Adult Ministries
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) meets the first Wednesday of most months. They study about missionaries and plan mission events for our church. They are leaders in our church who prepare the way for all mission offerings we participate in. Our WMU is vital to our mission statement being fulfilled.
Men’s Ministry
The Brotherhood Group meets the first Wednesday of most months.They have a time of prayer, devotion and planning. This group has a well-known ministry in our community. They provide and install wheelchair accessible ramps to many people in our surrounding communities. These gentlemen also have fundraisers for local and foreign mission trips, the ramp ministry and local church events. If you love Jesus and would like to have a supportive group of Christian brothers, then this is the group for you!
Discipleship Training
Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm our adults meet in the sanctuary where we spend time in the Word. Emphasis is placed on using the Bible as our example to live out our faith and have intentional experiences that give us opportunities to share the name of Jesus with people we meet.